Sugar Free Trick or Treating Ideas

Sugar Free Trick or Treating Ideas

Sugar Free Tick or Treat ideas with Nat Faulkner From Strawberry Fundaes Kids Parties

We love Halloween at our house.
Our entire street gets into it and we all get excited to see what each other is going to dress up as. It is so much fun!

But it should not necessarily be about the lollies and sugar. It should be about the fun of dressing up and making memories.

Every year we pop on our costumes and head out for some early trick or treating with the kids and then once we get home we get lots of door knockers, so we always make sure we have treats ready to go.
But I have seen some kids have to head off empty handed due to allergies and parents freaking out about sugar overload so I like to have some healthier options too.

Here are my favourite alternatives -

Popcorn - You can pre-pop some popcorn at home and then divide into paper bags or you can buy pre- packaged, kid sized popcorn at the supermarket.

Bubbles - Kids adore bubbles. You can buy packs of 24 mini bubbles at most discount stores or target and Kmart. They often blow the bubbles as they go too, adding some extra fun to their trick or treat journey!

Image result for bubble party favors
Balloons with Halloween faces -  This is a fun activity to do with the kids before Halloween. Simply cut some fun Halloween faces out of black contact/ vinyl and stick to blown up balloons. Then you can put them on a balloon stick or tie some ribbon to the end and hand them out. Kids LOVE balloons.

Fruit Juice Poppers - Have a stack of healthy fruit juice poppers in ice at the front door! The will keep the kids hydrated as they go as well as being less sugar than a handful of candy! Image result for fruit box drink
Muesli Bars -  This is a healthier option but I have to say I have seen some disappointed faces with the older kids when I hand this one out! Hahahaha!

Image result for muesli bar

Glow Stick or Glow Bracelet -  Kmart and most dollar shops sell glow sticks or bracelets in packs of 20 for about $2. They are SUPER popular!!!

Stickers - You can either hand out the sticker to the child and they wear it on their hand or costume or have copious amounts of sticker sheets they can take home.
Some discount stores sell cute little sticker books with Halloween themes!

Image result for halloween sticker pack

Chalk -  Buy packs of the giant chalk and then divide up.Chalk makes for a fun activity after their trick or treating comes to an end.

Temporary Tattoos - I like to buy big sheets of temporary tattoos and then cut them up so they are individual. I then just give one or 2 each out to add to their haul.

Pencils - Pencils are so cheap and so useful! Buy a few bulk packs and you can either divide up into small bunches or just give one or 2 to each child. 

Image result for rainbow pencils

Crayons - Like the chalk, buy the crayons in bulk and hand out. I like to get just the orange, black and red colours so they match the theme!

There are so many options when it comes to small treat alternatives.
Slinkies, glow in the dark ring, fake spiders, the list is endless. But sometimes it just takes a little nudge to remember it does not have to be all about the sweet, sweet candy!!

What will you choose??


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